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Shandong Caoxian Mulinsen Wood Industry Co., Ltd.

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Solid wood table

Solid wood table

Shandong Caoxian Mulinsen Wood Industry Co., Ltd.
Zhuangzhai Dingzhai, Cao County, Shandong
2021-8-21 1012

Information details

Solid wood table

Solid wood table

  Solid wood tables and chairs, comprehensive wood tables and chairs, and full solid wood tables and chairs are collectively referred to as solid wood tables and chairs. Solid wooden tables and chairs refer to tables and chairs made of wood, man-made panels and other wooden materials except for the decoration parts and accessories among the main components. Solid wood tables and chairs refer to tables and chairs that are made of solid wood sawn timber or solid wood panels and have a surface finish; or veneer or veneer (wood veneer) is used on such substrates and then painted Tables and chairs.

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